Friday, July 24, 2009

What Makes A Baby Bloom?

On my wall hangs a cross-stitched sampler which reads “FRIENDSHIPS LIKE FLOWERS NEED TENDING TO BLOOM”. Isn’t this true with many things in life?

A rosebud begins to open because its bush has been well tended by weeding out the bad stuff, feeding it the good stuff with soil and minerals, and seeding that soil with plenty of moisture. A baby, like the rosebud, begins his life with his mother cleaning up the bad stuff, feeding him the good stuff, and nurturing him with love and affection.

In time, the rosebud opens a little wider because it has experienced the right environment to promote growth and well being. Also, in time, the infant grows and becomes more than just a baby. He begins to have a personality. He laughs and coos, takes notice of his surroundings, recognizes his favorite people, and begins to get around by himself.

At last the rosebud blooms and is able in all of its glory to present its true color and beauty to the world. On the other hand, the baby becomes a toddler and is just beginning to present his true colors and beauty to the world. At this toddler stage the child is really starting to bloom. He talks, runs, screams, laughs, makes-believe, and in all the while he is learning, learning, learning.

The true color of the rose in full bloom is ever so radiant. But in a short time the color fades and the petals fall. It takes the timeless efforts and guidance of parents, grandparents, teachers, and peers to bring a child from the infant stage into full bloom. Although the youngster can be quite colorful and outstanding in the clothing he wears, his true colors are produced from this constant nurturing and are shown through his countless actions. is a website which carries high quality, unique, and colorful clothing which will help your baby or toddler bloom. They also offer “preemie” clothing that is essential for being able to adorn the smaller newborn

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Teething---A Terrible Time

I've found that babies love to chew on hard objects at teething time. When they are unable to put something in their mouths, they can be quite uncomfortable and fussy. They'll try biting on anything (even your fingers).
My website offers a clever variety of teether bibs and teether blankets especially for this purpose. Does anybody have some great ideas on how to help the teething baby be more comfortable and satisfied?

Baby Survival Instinct

Living on a Montana ranch, gives me many opportunities to see nature at work. My indoor activities include managing my website . But my outside activities also have to do with babies. Yesterday we had a mother coyote wander into our sheep pasture as she was hunting food for her hungry babies. Young lambs usually make a tasty main course for a coyote family. When I saw her, I jumped on the 4 wheeler and raced to see what was going on. I came over the ridge and, to my amazement, about 20 lambs were closing in on a wide-eyed coyote running for her life!

We take precautions and are careful to protect our babies, but do our babies have more survival instinct than we realize? What do you think?